Former Wife: Melissa

Melissa (Missy) nee Baldwin Schock Zaraya was born on October 12, 1939 to Frederick* and Margaret Baldwin and lived her early years in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. In 1949 (?) the family moved to Bloomington, IN following her father’s appointment to the piano faculty of the IU Schock of Music. In her formative years, she studied piano with her father and violin with David Dawson, violist of the Berkshire String Quartet, in residence at the IU S/M. Fred and Missy met in the summer of 1956 during opera orchestra rehearsals for the IU production of Tosca. They were married on August 13, 1961 in her parents home 704 E. First Street, Bloominton, IN.

See Main Menu/Fred Schock Bio/Through the Years/1960

After their divorce in 1978, Melissa met Jeffrey Zaraya. They married in 1985.

*In December 2022, I received an email from a Kathleen Irwin containing a link to her “Old Photos Found” blog about about Frederick Baldwin’s family.