1990 – 1999

1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 2000s 2010


Robert Driver (Lisa’s future husband) awarded Bachelors Degree in Economics from the University of Virginia

June: Carey graduates from Friends School, Baltimore, MD

Carey begins undergraduate school at Ohio University


Trip to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island with Keith and Robin Kummer (Photo album)


Carey flies to San Francisco. He and Lisa drive cross country by way of Texas, New Orleans, Bloomington and on to D.C.

 April 26 Fred’s 60th Birthday Party


June: Carey graduates from Ohio University

October: Carey spends seven weeks in Grenada, Spain and visits Barcelona


August: Back surgery (L 4/5); Sinai Hospital, Dr. Neal Aronson

Image may contain: 2 people, including Fred Schock, outdoor, text that says 'SEASONTICKET SEASON Row Seat 326 UR Η 15 UPPER RESERVE X201 $5.00 RINCHECK SEP 5. 1995 TUE 7:35 PM G-CPLN Oridtes arfa1o 310 2-10852 1995 CALIFORNIA ANGELS BALTIMORE ORIOLES SEP 5, 1995 TUE 7:35PM PM UPPER RESEVE X201 $5.00 BUNIVERSITY Sec. Row 326 UR Η Seat 15'

Carey and I at Oriole Park at Camden Yards: Cal Ripken tied Lou Gehrig’s record of 2130 games. Game Info Sheet.


Mar 3 Brother Paul Schock dies in Cherry Hill, NJ (b. 2 Aug 1927)


Sabbatical Leave from Peabody

Met cousin Sol, wife Dolly, daughter Joan and her husband at Chinese Restaurant in Philadelphia

May: Lisa awarded Masters of Journalism degree: Indiana University, Bloomington

American Liszt Society house concert


Mar. 8: Move into 3315 Mount Carmel Road, Upperco, MD

May 14: Begin construction of workshop: Lee and Bob Brent, contractors

July 20: Workshop structure construction completed

Dec. 26: Leave for Gayle Phillips wedding to Steve Donatell on January 1 at their house in Ft. Myers FL on Chandler St.

Dec 31: New Years Eve Party at Jayne and Kenny Casola’s House in Cape Coral, FL