1980 – 1989

1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1990s 2000s 2010


March: Aunt Bella Schocker dies (b. 15 April 1984)

Museum of Natural History

April: Trip to Washington, DC

Lisa, Carey and I visit Hershey Park, PA.

Martha’s Vineyard

Summer Vacation


Aug. 24: Williamsburg with Lisa and Carey
Divorce from Melissa finalized.


Restoration of Samuel S. Carr “Autumn Leaves” painting.  (Arts section)


April: American Liszt Society meeting and awards presentations: Peabody Conservatory of Music photos

June 12 Lisa graduates from Friends School, Baltimore, MD

August 14: Joined Joni Spence for Lunch at Orchard Inn, Joppa Road,

Joni Spence

August: Take Lisa and Carey to Cooperstown, NY to visit Baseball Hall of Fame before dropping Lisa off at the University of Massachuttes for the beginning of her freshman year.

October: Joined the board of the American Liszt Society

Dec. 26: Leave with Joni Spence for Los Angeles: California vacation

Dec. 31: Celebrate New Years Eve at fisherman’s wharf;: dinner at Aliotto’s


Dec. 28: Anne Schock died


January 4: Married to Joan Spence at 510 Windwood Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 (Photos)

Robert Driver (Lisa’s future husband) graduates from Marshall High School (3.96 gpa 14/33)


Joni and Carey Shoveling Snow 510 Windwood Road


May 22: Lisa Graduates from the University of Virgina with a BA in American Government

June 25: Kellirae Spence and Kevin Barry married in NJ


June: Week conference at University of Colorado.  Joni comes on Thursday; Carey on Saturday.

Southwest vacation at Four Corners, Grand Canyon, Taos, Albuquerque with Joni and Carey

Dec 3 Celia Schock (mother) dies in Baltimore, MD (b. 4 July 1901)